Welcome to Real Addiction Talk
Oct. 2, 2022

Episode 3: Stages of Change

Episode 3: Stages of Change

We’re proud to announce that our third episode is now available on your favorite podcasting platform! On this episode, we discuss the stages of change which was developed in the 1980’s by Prochaska and DiClemente. Although this was a new way of thinking about how to track one’s progress while in recovery forty years ago, it is still very much relevant today in most treatment centers across the country. The stages of change include the following: 

  1. Pre-Contemplation: Believe that one’s use is not a problem and our externally motivated to make any changes at this time. They believe that their use has not caused any issues with others and often display a lot of anger/frustration because they may be forced to enter treatment due to an outside source (ie: courts, Department of Corrections, etc.)
  2. Contemplation: On the “fence” about making changes. They may believe that one day their use is an issue and the next it’s not. They are beginning to see that their use is causing great distress in their lives but are not quite ready to make any steps towards creating positive change. 
  3. Preparation: They are beginning to think about making changes and brainstorming on how to make those changes a reality. They understand that their use has become a serious issue in their lives and that it has created turmoil in their relationships with others. 
  4. Action: They are taking necessary action steps to being their receivers process. This may include: going to meetings, finding a sponsor, working the steps, utilizing coping skills, and understanding the disease concept of addiction. 
  5. Maintenance: They have at least a year of sobriety and continue to maintain their recovery for the long-term. They have also developed new sober leisure activities and continue to attend their regular meetings.